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I would encourage anyone looking for livestock for your family farm to buy your stock from a farm that is monitoring for disease.  Disease is very prevalent in sheep and cows.  We want to provide the healthiest animals for our farm and yours and we are testing routinely for disease.

 Two common diseases that we test for are Johne's (Pronounced Yoh-Nees) and Leukemia.  They are also shared between cattle, sheep and many think that people too are contracting these from infected animals.  BLV is shown in some studies to have links to cancer in humans.  Also in humans, Johne's disease is known as "Crohn's Disease" or possibly "Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)". The bacteria which causes Johne's in cattle is the same identical bacteria that causes Crohn's in humans..."Myco Avium Paratuberculosis" (MAP) and is found in humans who have Crohn's and IBS.  

 You can buy the best grass fed organic meat and milk but what is the benefit if the animal is shedding a disease that could threaten your health?

Doing your homework will help you protect your health and the health, longevity, and productivity of your herds.  

In addition to testing our animals for leukemia and Johne's disease we also test our cattle for BVD. 

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